Friday, 29 June 2012

About the blogging experience

I enjoyed write in the blog,  I think dat is a very good experence, because I could express my self and tell a little about me in english. The languages are very difficult for me, especially the english, but I enjoy this experence because it was interactive, and funny.
I think dat is a very good metology, becase I practice every Friday, it help's me to improve me english and to write better in english.
I think de pros of the blogging experience are:
First: I practice every Friday.
Second: Tath is a interactiv activity.
Third: Is a very fun activity.
Fourth: I think the practice makes the master in this case, because I definitely improve me inglish (a little, but for me is important because that is a hard subject, in the other subjects y have very good grades).
Fifth: Every clas you write more more words in your blogs
And the cons are:
First: Sometimes the computer is very slow, or the internet connection is bad or poor.
Second: Sometimes the web page of  blogs is bad and is not possible publish the post or upload one picture and/or one video.
Third: Sometimes I dont know about what write.

I think, finally that is a very good practice in the english subject.

Friday, 15 June 2012


Tiburon is the car of my father, it is a Toyota Corona white. Old my family love Tiburon, it is a very good car, but today it is a old car, it gearbox is broken down and out of order.
Today my father got the Tiburon and he buy other car, a Toyota Yaris sport white, but is not the Tiburon, the Tiburon is once in this world and it has a very grate sentimental value for me and for everyone in home.
I'm very sad because Tiburon is out of order, but i know that is the best solution for it. Simon, the mechanic buy the Tiburon and he loves to.
All my friends and all friends of my siblings knows the Tiburon, it is very important for me and for this y talk about it with most love.
I learned to drive in the Tiburon. Tiburon took me everywhere on day or on night.
I think the new car is a very good car, bat it will never replace the Tiburon. Me and my father are going to think of a name to the new car, because in my family the cars a very important and are a personify.

Tiburon y love you and thanks for everything

Friday, 8 June 2012

The man of my life

Jorge Lastra Torres is my father I love him. My father's birthday is on 3th April, 1956 He is the best father in the world.
Jorge lives with Gina, his wife, Jorge Andres, his son, and Margarita, his daughter. Emilia, his older daughter, Pedro, his older son, and me we live in other house in La Florida but anyway we love our father. All weekends, and specially on Sunday me and my siblings Emilia and Pedro we go to our father's house or Pedrero's house (because the house is in the pedrero station subway)  to have lunch. My father is a very good cook, he loves cooking fish and sea products, for example I love it, and every body loves the Cebiche and the sea urchin.
My father is cheerful, understanding, loving, intelligent, very funny, etc. I think me and my siblings we are very lucky, because he is the most special in the world, the other fathers are more serious or cold.
For this and many other things more...
My father is the best father in the world and he is the man of my life

I love Jorge Lastra :D

Friday, 1 June 2012

"Chile crece contigo"

The website i choose is, this page is for the program Chili rises with you.
This program is a governmental program, and it is a comprehensive protection childhood system and its objectives are accompany, protect and support old boys and girls, and her families.
In the education area, and in this website is very important the development of the kids, since the birth until the four or five years old. In the development of the kids influence the biological, physicals, psychics and socials factors because it is multidimensional.
I discover this page because my teacher (Maria Helena Ahumada) of development and learning told us this website an this program are a very useful that we as educators to implement the correct didactics. 
I use this website for see information and for get hep to make works.
I recommend this program to because its a very useful tool in the education an in the development area, and in this page i see very important information about the childhood and about how the family can help and can guide the growth process an the formation process.

The page is