The website i choose is, this page is for the program Chili rises with you.
This program is a governmental program, and it is a comprehensive protection childhood system and its objectives are accompany, protect and support old boys and girls, and her families.
In the education area, and in this website is very important the development of the kids, since the birth until the four or five years old. In the development of the kids influence the biological, physicals, psychics and socials factors because it is multidimensional.
I discover this page because my teacher (Maria Helena Ahumada) of development and learning told us this website an this program are a very useful that we as educators to implement the correct didactics.
I use this website for see information and for get hep to make works.
I recommend this program to because its a very useful tool in the education an in the development area, and in this page i see very important information about the childhood and about how the family can help and can guide the growth process an the formation process.
The page is
It`s a very good web site!!