Wednesday, 5 December 2012


Hello everyone, today is the farewell, and we have very little to the review and I'm very happy with what I learned and that I may end up with this line in the university forever.
The last post of my blog!

I think the blog is a great tool for working languages​​, you go every week to practice their skills and acquires a practice to express, I remember that in English three, at first it was really bad and I had trouble making a post a hundred and fifty words, until now I can do much better, not as speaking tarzan.
I sometimes cost more complex issues, but then you know it's a good way to learn to speak and express themselves better in English.

I really do not think a lot of English, which communicate achievement striving, but English is a complicated issue that I always took me. so I think I will not continue their study at the moment, later prefieroestudiar otherwise practice with movies and music and get familiar with the language.

They are actually tasks I have to do is use my English, talk in my house with my brothers, watching movies with subtitles in English, listening to music in English, among others, I need more practice to handle me, because I feel that it is a little late to the grammar and theory, and at my age of twenty two years is better than practice, because the theory is more complicated.

I feel that the English recquiere of our time and dedication, and unfortunately, as we study a lot in college, we have no real time to devote to English. Happens to me that I have also a little scary and it makes little practice.
So I think as blog tools are very good. Thanks for everything profe, you are a great person and a very nice and understanding teacher.

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