Thursday, 25 October 2012

Election Day

I am registered to vote since I have 18, I think it is very important that people can choose whether to register or not, that's why I do not like automatic enrollment, I think this system makes people have less freedom, thinking that there are people who for various reasons do not enroll or does not believe in the electoral register.
Related campaigns believe that today are very related to money and power, candidates and people do not remember is what matters, beyond the colors and the political parties, it is important for people to be represented for a candidate. Also I think the amount of money spent on an election campaign is ridiculous and not think about the environment and pollution.

The most important quality for a candidate is to represent the people, they can defend their demands, work according to them, not a political party and strengthen the population and living conditions of them.
I think the world currently working in very dirty politicians, very moved by money and power. The money and power in politics make people forget that the real work must begin to work for them rather than for the population, so I think it would not work in politics.
I think that the campaign must include the people, rather than the candidate how important is people and I would work on campaigns with fewer advertising expenses and take care of the environment.

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